This book is a collection of fresh research on neglected aspects of the 1916 Rising by established and new scholars. It examines the impact of the Rising within the United Kingdom, the British Empire, North America and Australasia and provides a fresh context to recently published work on key figures such as James Connolly and Padraig Pearse.
Table of Contents
Introduction ~ Ruan O’Donnell
1. The Limerick Volunteers and 1916 ~ John O’Callaghan.
2. Vanguard of the Revolution? The Irish Citizen Army, 1916 ~ Ann Matthews.
3. ‘A Land Beyond the Sea’: Irish and Scottish Republicans in Dublin, 1916’ ~ Mairtin Sean O Cathain
4. The British Labour and Socialist Movement and the 1916 Rising ~ David Granville
5. Antipodean Irish Catholic Responses to the 1916 Rising ~ Rory Sweetman
6. The Wilson Administration and the 1916 Rising ~ Bernadette Whelan
7. Journées Sanglantes / Days of Blood: The French Press and the Easter Rising ~ Ian McKeane
8. The Easter Rising and the First World War. A Contextual Study ~ Priscilla Metscher and James Connolly
9. A People That Did Not Exist?: Reflections on Some Sources and Contexts for Patrick Pearse’s Militant Nationalism Roisin Ni Ghairbhi
10. 1916: Insurrection or Rebellion? Making Judgements ~ Peter Berresford Ellis
11. ‘The Wind that Shakes the Barley’: Reflections on the Writing of Irish History in the Period of the Easter Rising and the Irish War of Independence ~ Brian P Murphy
12. Rethinking the Republic: The Republican Movement and 1966 ~ Matt Treacy
Appendices: The1916 Proclamation. Introduction to C. Desmond Greaves, 1916 as History, The Myth of Blood Sacrifice ~ Anthony Coughlan. Nominal Roll of the Irish Citizen’s Army
About the Author
Ruan O’Donnell is Head of School of History and Politics, University of Limerick. He is the author of several books on the history of Irish Republicanism, including From Vinegar Hill to Edentubber, The Wexford IRA and the Border Campaign (Wexford,2007).