Mr.Parnell’s Rottweiler: Censorship and the United Ireland Newspaper 1881-1891
Myles Dungan
A forceful analysis of the contest between Irish nationalist newspapers and the British government during the riotous decade of the 1880s – focusing in particular on the Parnellite newspaper United Ireland. Dungan examines how the British government made extensive use of censorship to combat that newspaper’s campaign and he draws on fascinating archival records which suggest that United Ireland itself may have engaged in similar censorial practices against rival organs which espoused views at variance to its own.
In this book Myles Dungan forcefully analyses the struggle of Irish nationalist newspapers in the riotous decade of the 1880s – in particular, that of the Parnellite newspaper United Ireland. While examining the extent of British censorship in dealing with Irish nationalist newspapers, Dungan provides a fresh consideration of the ways in which United Ireland could be accused of committing the same crimes as those of the British administrations.
Making extensive use of unique archival materials, this book establishes the different ways in which both British administrations – that of Gladstone and Salisbury – counteracted the most assertive Irish journalistic and nationalist voice during this turbulent time. The detail is no less steadfast when it comes to presenting the questionable conduct of United Ireland as they policed the press in order to eliminate points of view that dissented from their own.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – An insurrection in print
Chapter 2 – Enforcing silence
Chapter 3 – Suppressing the ‘journalism of murder
Chapter 4 – ‘Accusing Spirits’
Chapter 5 – The Dublin ‘Scandals’
Chapter 6 – Sisyphus Agonistes
Chpater 7- ‘Piggotism’ and Crime
Chapter 8 – Quis custodet ipsos custodes
Chpater 9 – Felo de se
About the Author
Myles Dungan is an Adjunct Lecturer in History at the School of History and Archives, University College Dublin. The Presenter of The History Show (RTE Radio), he is also a distinguished author of fiction and non-fiction.